Miniature Art Societies of the Revival Period to Today
Please note: This page is no longer being actively maintained but please let me know if you find broken links! Thanks, Wes
Last update: July 26th, 2020
BOLD names denotes group still exists
This page is a "labor of love" created and maintained by me, Wes Siegrist, to provide insight and research information for the public. Please contact me with any updates you might have on this content. Past exhibition catalogues are particularly welcomed as I additionally maintain a physical archive of miniature art society documents. I regret that there are gaps and ends to information here so please help me make this more comprehensive if you can!
1890: Société des Miniaturistes et Enlumineurs de France ~ Founded January 1890 by M. Alphonse Labitte
- Presidents
- Gabrielle Debillemont-Chardon (1860-1957)
- Notes
- This organization was part of the revival of interest in France with medieval manuscript illumination. The founding of the formal group gave women (the primary participants) the opportunity of public exhibition and recognition. Emphasis was placed upon both manuscript illumination and the small scale paintings [miniatura] adorning the pages.
- 1894 Inaugural Exhibition in June in Paris at the Galerie Georges Petit.
- 1898 Exhibition
- 1900 Paris Exhibition contained 41 miniatures in conjunction with the American Society of Miniature Painters
- See: 1986-SAMAP: Société des Artistes en Miniatures et Art Precieux
1895/1896-SM: The Society of Miniaturists ~ Founded May 1895 by Lord Ronald Gower but owing to his absence overseas the Society was not confirmed until May 1st, 1896. Founders included: Lord Ronald Gower, Henry Charles Heath, Alfred Praga … (Initial Council Members: Alfred Praga, J. Lumsden Propert, Dr. George C. Williamson, C. P. Sainton, Earnest Lloyd, F. Sargent, Phil May and H. D. Havelock Wilson) [Clarification of founding dates established primarily by an article in
The Graphic 19th September 1896 page 370] (Membership was stated at 40 at founding)
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- Presidents
- Lord Ronald Gower 1896-1899
- Alfred Praga 1899-1949
- Kenneth Emsley (?)
- Leslie Simpson 1985-2006
- Notes
- Differed from the other society (Society of Miniature Painters which became the RMS) in that it possessed on its Council experts, collectors and art critics vs. strictly artists. This included the leading expert of the day on miniatures, Dr. Lumsden Propert.
- 1896 Opening Exhibition in October at the Grafton Gallery and included with their show 18th Century miniatures. (50 members exhibiting)
- 1897 Exhibition at the Grafton Gallery
- 1910 Exhibition at the Galleries of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours, Piccadilly
- The Society, @1910, sometimes combined its exhibitions with shows of old miniatures
- At some point in their history they became known as the British Society of Miniaturists
- 1985 Leslie Simpson becomes Director assuming control of the society from Kenneth Emsley. The SM is combined with the British Watercolor Society and moved to Ilkley, England.
- Website starts September 2002
- 2005 Exhibition in Yorkshire
- 2006 Exhibition in Ilkley
- Ceased existence in 2006?
- Definition (1996): The SM limits size to 4½ x 3½ inches inclusive of framing; 1/6th scale required for subjects
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1896-RMS: Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers ~ Founded January 1896 by Alyn Williams but not confirmed as a society until May 7th, 1896. Founders: Alyn Williams, Hal Hurst, Captain Cecil W. Quinell, Hugh Nicholson, Edward Tayler and others. [The process of forming the society was began in earnest by Mr. Williams in 1894 with the help of Quinell] (Membership was stated at 40 at founding)
- Presidents
- Alyn Williams 1896-1898
- Sir William Blake Richmond 1899-1907
- Alyn Williams 1908-1941
- S. Arthur Lindsey 1943-1951
- Lt. Col. F.A. Goddard 1953-1956
- Col. Scott Shepherd 1957-1970
- Raymond Lister 1970-1980
- Suzanne Lucas 1980-2004
- Elizabeth Meek 2005-2014
- Rosalind Pierson 2015-
- Notes
- Originally named the Society of Miniature Painters and was comprised entirely of artists
- 1896 Inaugural Exhibition at the Modern Gallery opened September 22nd with 482* works of "subject pictures and portraits". (50 Members plus works by non-members)
- (*According to The London Standard of 22nd September, 1896 page 6, the exhibition showed 250 works)
- (According to The London Daily News of 24th September 1896 page 8, the exhibition included a few "cabinet-pictures which scarcely come under the head of miniature painting")
- At the close of the inaugural exhibition, Her Majesty the Queen, graciously accepted a selection of works.
- Distanced themselves from the other Society of Miniaturists by September of 1896 calling themselves the Miniature Society and garnishing the support of the Prince of Wales.
- 1897 Exhibition at the Modern Gallery
- Membership being full as of 1897, the Society increased the number of artists to 100.
- 1898 Exhibition at the Modern Gallery
- 1899 100 artists members. The Society accepts the meritorious works of non-members.
- 1899 Members are allowed to have three works on display year-round. (The President of the Royal Academy and Presidents of seven other Royal Art Societies are Honorary Members.)
- Isaac Josephi is the first American Member of the Society
- 1903 300 miniatures on display
- 1904 The Miniature Society were then granted the Royal prerogative by the Prince (as of 1901 King Edward the 7th), officially recognizing the new society and giving the title The Royal Miniature Society (RMS)
- 1916 Exhibition at the Grafton Gallery
- The RMS mounted an exhibition in Dublin, Ireland
- Participated in a 1921 joint exhibition "In Little" of @350 works at the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. Participating Societies: ASMP; RMS; PSMP
- 1921 Alyn Williams proposes an International Society of Miniaturists which does not come to fulfillment (Most likely discussed at the Exhibition at the Carnegie Institute
- 1922/1923 the RMS includes miniature sculptures in their exhibitions. Alyn Williams inviting the American, Louis Rosenthal, to submit his works.
- 1926 the RMS extended its welcome to other forms of miniature art. Recognition of this wider scope was officially confirmed when Sculptors and Gravers were added to its name by Royal Command of King George V.
- 1927 120 artists with 346 works at the Arlington Gallery (58 Members, 48 associates)
- 1932 Exhibition held at Arlington Gallery
- 1940 The Society's office and historical documents are destroyed by a bomb in WWII.
- 1941-1943 Two years with no Exhibition due to WWII.
- 1958 The Society exhibited a collection of miniatures from the American Society of Miniature Painters at the Conduit Street Galleries.
- 1959 Exhibition at the Alpine Club Gallery
- 1980(?) Jane Blake is the first American miniaturist accorded signature status (See Josephi above: not sure if he achieved Signature or was simply an Associate)
- 1995 200 artists with 929 works at the Westminster Gallery (80 Members, 70 associates)
- As of 1995 the Diploma Collection, the Society's Permanent Collection, numbers 168 works. It is shown for the first time in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of the RMS and the 1st WFM Exhibition.
- 1997 RMS granted the honor of Letters Patent and Armorial Bearings.
- 1998 195 artists with 866 works at the Westminster Gallery (92 Members, 39 associates)
- Website starts January 2000
- 2001 Exhibition at the Westminster Gallery
- 2007 @700 works at the Mall Galleries (@250 total members)
- 2008 615 works at the Mall Galleries (92 Members,
- 2010 RMS begins rotational exhibition of two cases of the Diploma Collection at each of their annual exhibitions
- 2011 670 works at the Mall Galleries
- Exhibition includes a Special Loan Exhibition of Royal Portrait Miniatures
- 2014 (75 Members, 34 associates)
- 2015 507 works by 100 artists at the Mall Galleries (80 Members, 35 associates)
- Current Patron: Her Majesty the Queen
- The Society has known several homes: the Arlington Galleries, from which it was removed by a bomb to the R.W.S. Galleries, thence from the Alpine Gallery to a steady haven with the Federation of British Artists at the R.B.A. Galleries. In 1971 the Federation moved to the Mall Galleries, opened by her Majesty the Queen, and in 1987 the Society transferred to the Westminster Gallery in rooms prepared by the Director of the Westminster Central Hall and the President. There it remained and celebrated its Hundredth Anniversary in November 1995 with a special Exhibition opened by the Earl of Gowrie. It hosted the first ever World Exhibition of Miniatures and showed the valuable Diploma Collection for the first time.
- RMS Membership is limited to 110 members and associates who are elected by the Council on the merits of their work.
- Definition(2009): The RMS defines miniature solely by technique. At present the size limit is 6x4½ inches inclusive of framing.* Full members may exceed this rule but are requested to keep to the rules as much as possible. Scale is limited to 2 inches or less for human heads or single objects. The Society's Aims are to Esteem, Protect and Practice the traditional 16th Century art of miniature painting emphasizing the infinite patience needed for its fine techniques.
- ...Image size not to exceed 25 square inches. Sculpture may not exceed 8 inches in any dimension including the base.
- *Upon its founding the Society of Miniaturists (RMS) recognized miniatures as large as 12x10 inches.
1899-ASMP: The American Society of Miniature Painters ~ Founded March 1899, New York by 10 artists: Isaac A. Josephi (Originator), William Jacob Baer, Alice Beckington, Lucia Fairchild Fuller, Laura Coombs Hills, John A. McDougall, Virginia Reynolds, Theodora W. Thayer, Lydia Field Emmet, and William J. Whittemore
- Presidents
- Isaac A. Josephi 1899-1905
- William Jacob Baer 1906-1912
- Lucia Fairchild Fuller 1913-1917
- Alice Beckington 1920
- Margaret Foote Hawley 1921,1923,1925
- William Sherman Potts 1926, 1928, 1930
- Elsie Dodge Patte 1936
- Alexandrina Harris 1958
- Sarah Eakin Cowen (date?)
- Rosina Bordman (?1965)
- Notes
- - The revived interest in miniature art in America began in earnest after an exhibition of miniatures at the 1876 Centennial Fair in Chicago. An 1894 exhibition of portrait miniatures in NY additionally provided stimulation for miniaturists. An organization of miniature painters was initially proposed in 1898. The Founders of the ASMP felt this initial group was not of sufficient standard so they formed their own group.
- [Numbers below indicate living Members but not necessarily exhibiting; non-members represents exhibitors. Information gleaned from ASMP Catalogues and newspapers.]
- Premiere exhibition in January of 1900 at Knoedler Galleries, NY
- 1900 Exhibition in Paris with the Société des Miniaturistes et Enlumineurs de France
- 1901 Exhibition of 160 works by 67 artists at the Knoedler Galleries, NY (10 Members/ 56 non-members)
- 1902 Exhibition of 145+ works at the Knoedler Galleries, NY (10 Members/ 50 non-members)
- 1902 Exhibition of 1902 was sent in its entirety to the PSMP Exhibition in 1903
- 1904 Exhibition of 164 works by 71 artists at the Knoedler Galleries, NY (15 Members/ 56 non-members)
- 1905 Exhibition of 132 works by 66 artists at the Knoedler Galleries, NY (13 Members/ 53 non-members)
- 1906 Exhibition of 142 works by 72 artists at the Knoedler Galleries, NY (16 Members/ 56 non-members)
- ASMP members works given to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Thayer, Moore, Gray)
- 1907 Exhibition of 118 works by 73 artists at the Knoedler Galleries, NY (16 Members/ 60 non-members)
- 1908 Exhibition at the Knoedler Galleries, NY
- 1909 Exhibition at the Knoedler Galleries, NY
- 1910 Exhibition of 98 works by 44 artists at the Knoedler Galleries, NY (14 Members/ 34 non-members)
- 1911 Exhibition of 133 works by 67 artists at the Knoedler Galleries, NY (17 Members/ 56 non-members)
- 1912 Exhibition of 317 works at the Knoedler Galleries, NY (Special retrospective exhibition by living and deceased artists) (21 Members)
- 1913 Exhibition of 120 works at the Knoedler Galleries, NY (266 works submitted) (13 Members/ 60 non-members)
- 1914 Exhibition of 80 works in a joint exhibition at the National Academy of Design's 89th Exhibition
- Official recognition of the standing of this society was given with the purchase of five works by prominent ASMP Members by the Metropolitan Museum for its Permanent Collection. (Beckington, Fuller, Hawley, Skidmore, Hills)
- 1916 Exhibition in the Centre Gallery at the Academy, NY
- 1916 Exhibition at Montross Galleries, NYC (Oct. 30 - Nov.13)
- 1916 the ASMP uses 4 display cases to house the Exhibition for the first time at the Academy
- 1916 Touring Exhibition of 54 works circulated by The American Federation of Arts ~ Springfield, IL: Dec. 5-22, 1916; Los Angeles, CA: Jan. 1-29, 2017; Louisville, KY: Feb. 7-28, 2017
- 1917 Exhibition at the National Academy of Design, American Fine Arts Building, NYC (Mar. 17-Apr.22)
- 1917 Exhibition at the Babcock Art Galleries, NY (27 Members)
- 1918 Exhibition at Arden Studios, NY
- According to a 1918 magazine, ASMP Membership was limited to 30
- 1919 Exhibition at Arden Studios, NY
- 1919 Exhibition at Albright Gallery, NY
- 1920 Exhibition of 65 works at Albright Gallery, NY
- 1920 Exhibition at Arden Studios, NY (27 members)
- 1921 Exhibition of 86 works held at Arden Gallery, NY
- Participated in a 1921 joint exhibition "In Little" of @350 works at the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. Participating Societies: ASMP; RMS; PSMP
- 1923 Exhibition of … works by ... artists at the Knoedler Galleries, NY (27 Members/ … non-members)
- 1926 Exhibition of 74 works by 38 artists at Macbeth Galleries, NY (28 Members, 31 associate members)
- 1927 Exhibition at Macbeth Galleries, NY
- 1928 Exhibition of 96 works by 47 artists at Macbeth Galleries, NY (31 Members, 29 associate members/ 29 non-members)
- 1929 Exhibition at the Grand Central Art Galleries, NY
- 1929 ASMP Members works given to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Pattee, Kahle, McMillan, Potts, Boardman, Veissi, Strean)
- 1930 Exhibition at the Grand Central Art Galleries, NY
- 1930 Additional exhibition at Monclair Art Museum(?)
- 1934 Exhibition at the Grand Central Art Galleries, NY
- 1941 Exhibition at the Grand Central Art Galleries, NY
- 1950 Exhibition of 51 works by 39 artists at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (See below)
- 1950 The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Smithsonian American Art Museum co-sponsored a special exhibit commemorating the 50th Anniversary: Four Centuries of Miniature Painting. The Exhibition included European and American miniatures owned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. (248 works by 114 historical artists, 39 by 20th century artists)
- 1958 The Society sent a collection of miniatures to the Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers for exhibition at the Conduit Street Galleries, England.
- Ceased existence in 1965 donated collection to the Smithsonian Museum's National Collection of Fine Arts. Many of these works are on display in the Luce Foundation Center for American Art.
- 2010: Glenora Richards, the last surviving member of the ASMP, passes away. She was a Signature Member of the Miniature Artists of America.
- Definition: (notes) Miniatures painted from photographs were excluded (1920) The ASMP accepted only works on ivory until late in their existence when they included ivorine.
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1901-PSMP: Pennsylvania Society of Miniature Painters ~ Founded Philadelphia 1901
- Presidents
- Emily Drayton Taylor 1901-1951
- Notes
- 1902 Inaugural Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1903 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1903 Exhibition also displayed the entire ASMP Exhibition of 1902
- 1904 Exhibition of 93 works at McClees Galleries
- 1907 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1908 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1910 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1911 Exhibition held in conjunction with the Water Color Club
- 1911 Exhibition additionally included a display of historic miniatures. (one gallery held the modern miniatures; the other held the historic miniatures)
- 1912 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1913 @60artists 135 works at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (25 Members)
- 1915 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1916 Exhibition of 163 works at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (34-36 members)
- 1916 Laura Coombs Hill earned the first Medal of Honor ever given by the Pennsylvania Society of Miniature Painters
- 1917 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1918 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (40 members)
- 1919 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1920 Exhibition at the Art Alliance Gallery in Philadelphia, PA (40 members)
- 1921 20th Annual Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- The Royal Miniature Society, London participated in the 20th Exhibition
- Participated in a 1921 joint exhibition "In Little" of @350 works at the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. Participating Societies: ASMP; RMS; PSMP
- 1926 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1927 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1931 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1935-40 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1944 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1946 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
- 1951 50th Annual Exhibition in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts - Golden Jubilee: Fiftieth Annual Exhibition of Miniatures, Antique and Contemporary, The Pennsylvania Society of Miniature Painters (Historical miniatures were the private collection of the President, Emily Drayton Taylor)
- Gave 107 miniatures by members to the Philadelphia Museum of Art (1954)
- Ceased existence in 1954 (last noted date)
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1908 Philadelphia School of Miniature Painting ~ Founder Anna Margaretta Archambault (Lewis Rabbage files)
- Notes
- last date found 1941 (probably existed about as long as the PSMP)
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1912-CSMP: California Society of Miniature Painters ~ Founded Los Angeles, February 1912. Founders: Rosa Hooper,
- Presidents
- Alice E. Ludovic 1913
- Laura M. D. Mitchell 1928
- Martha Baxter 1934,1938
- Katherine Starr 1940
- Ruby Walker Usher 1943
- Notes
- 1911-1972 (collection resides in the Pasadena Historical Museum)
- 1912 Inaugural Exhibition in Los Angeles (Paintings must be rendered from directly from life without the aid of photography)
- 1927 Exhibition at the Los Angeles Museum
- 1928 Exhibition at the Los Angeles Museum
- 1932 Exhibition at the Los Angeles Museum
- 1933 Exhibition at the Central Library Lecture Room
- 1933 The CSMP sent a miniature exhibition to the Century of Progress Exposition at Chicago, IL
- 1936 115 works at the Los Angeles Museum
- 1938 51 women artists 123 works in exhibition at the California Arts Club
- 1945 ... artists 46 works
- 1945: 19 works exhibited in the City of Los Angeles First Juried Art Exhibit (Same as below?)
- CSMP exhibit of 27 sculptures and 19 miniature paintings at the Greek Theater, Griffith Park
- 1947 80 works at the Los Angeles Museum
- Ceased existence in 1972
- Archives: California Society of Miniature Painters Collection, Research Library and Archives, Pasadena Museum of History
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1912-CSMP: Chicago Society of Miniature Painters
- Presidents
- Helene Lucille Stevenson 1910
- Carolyn D Tyler
- Anna Lynch 1939
- Notes
- 1912 Inaugural Exhibition at ...
- 1913 Exhibition at ...
- 1914 Exhibition of 81 works by 39 artists at the Art Institute of Chicago
- 1915 4th Exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago
- 1917 Exhibition at The Arts Club
- 1918 Exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago
- 1919 Exhibition of 49 works by 22 artists at the Art Institute of Chicago
- 1920 Exhibition at the Art Institute (11 members all women)
- 1944 Exhibition at the Arts Institute
- Ceased existence in ...
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1914-American School of Miniature Painters ~ Founded to fill the need for instruction in miniature painting that was lacking in art schools. In addition to the regular instructors Lucia Fairchild Fuller, Elsie Dodge Pattee, Maybel R. Welch, guest painters offered classes and criticisms.
- Directors/Instructors1914-1924:
- Lucia Fairchild Fuller
- Elsie Dodge Pattee
- Maybel R. Welch
- Notes
- 1916 based in Manhattan, NY
- The third session of the school was held in 1916
- 1933 date found that mentions the school although it supposedly ended in 1924
1915-BSMP: Brooklyn Society of Miniature Painters ~ Founded 1915, Brooklyn, NY by Nicolas S. Macsoud
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- Presidents
- Nicolas S. Macsoud 1915
- Charlotte E. Field (several years)
- Nicholas S. Macsoud 1927
- Edith Sawyer 1928
- Alexandrina R. Harris 1936
- Notes
- 1915 Inaugural Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum of Arts and Sciences in conjunction with Contemporary American Art (8 members)
- 1916-1927 Exhibitions at the Hotel Bossart, Brooklyn
- 1921 Exhibition of @50 works by 24 artists at the Hotel Bossart, Brooklyn
- 1928 Exhibition of 130 works by 47 artists in the Print Gallery at the Brooklyn Museum
- 1929 Exhibition of 93 works at the Brooklyn Museum
- 1930 Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum
- 1931 Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum (Brooklyn Museum acquires 17 miniatures)
- 1932 Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum
- 1933 Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum
- 1934 Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum
- 1935 Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum
- - April 3, 1936 through June 1, 1936 the Brooklyn Society of Miniature Painters participated in the exhibition "Five Centuries of Miniature Painting" at the Brooklyn Museum which combined historical and contemporary miniature paintings.
- 1938 20th Annual Exhibition at the National Arts Club
- Ceased existence in ... (?1939 last date found?)
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1927?-PSMP: Paris Society of Miniature Painters (Is this possibly the French school of miniature art originally founded by Madame de Billemont-Chardon in France? Her school was comprised of 200 miniaturists in the years before WWII.)
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1931-MPSGS: Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers Society of Washington, DC ~ Founded 1931 by Alyn Williams, Hattie E. Burdette, Benson Bond Moore, Clara Hill, Marian U.M. Lane, and Elizabeth Muhlhofer
- Presidents
- Alyn Williams 1931-1933
- Hattie Burdette 1933-1934
- Clara Hill 1935-1936
- Friedrick V. Dashenhausen 1937
- Elizabeth Muhlhofer 1938-1944
- Edith Hill 1945-1948
- Ruel P. Tolman 1949-1955
- Mary Elizabeth King 1956
- Annette Joyce Metcalfe 1957-1960
- Eunice Hayden 1961-1963
- Annette J. Lauer 1964
- Mary Elizabeth King 1965-1967
- Edith C. Mason 1968-1969
- Kathryne C. Dimmitt 1970-1971
- Louise B. Simons 1972-1973
- Evelyn A. Gladstone 1974-1975
- Edith Trifiletti 1976-1977
- Bonita H. Valien 1978-1979
- Thomas E. Lodge 1980-1982
- Margaret T. Hicks 1983-1988
- Molly W. Stern 1989-1991
- Robert E. Best 1992-1993
- John Thompson 1994-2009
- Narissa Steel 2009-2019
- Nancy Still 2020-
- Notes
- 1931 Inaugural exhibition of 111 works at the Corcoran Gallery of Art
- 1932 No Exhibition
- 1933-1946 at the Corcoran Gallery of Art
- 1936 No Exhibition* [2013 catalogue indicates there was a show in 1936 but not in 1942]
- 1937-1946 at the Corcoran Gallery of Art
- 1947-1950 at the Smithsonian Institution
- 1951 at the National Collection of Fine Arts at the National History Museum of the Smithsonian Institution
- 1963 Exhibition at the National Collection of Fine Arts, now the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
- 1965-1996 at the Arts Club of Washington, DC
- 1978 The MPSGS adopts the 1/6th scale guideline held by other major US Societies
- 1997 to date at Strathmore Hall [Note made 2016]
- 2000 240 artists 579 works at Strathmore Hall (191 members: 48 resident, 143 associate)
- 2001 282 artists 694 works at Strathmore Hall (165 members: 41 resident, 124 associate)
- 2002 298 artists 719 works at Strathmore Hall (192 members: 52 resident, 140 associate)
- 2003 262 artists 624 works at Strathmore Hall (202 members: 58 resident, 144 associate)
- 2004 244 artists 729 works at Strathmore Hall (201 members: 55 resident, 146 associate)
- Hosted the Third Worldwide Exhibition of Fine Art in Miniature in 2004 at the Smithsonian Institution
- 2005 282 artists 680 works at Strathmore Hall (244 members: 64 resident, 180 associate)
- 2005 The MPSGS drops the 1/6th scale guideline from its definition of miniature
- 2006 280 artists 712 works at Strathmore Hall (278 members: 67 resident, 211 associate)
- Website starts May 2006
- MPSGS Newsletter The Miniaturist
- 2007 289 artists 699 works at Strathmore Hall (296 members: 73 resident, 223 associate)
- 2008 263 artists 678 works at Strathmore Hall (260 members: 72 resident, 188 associate)
- 2009 301 artists 724 works at Strathmore Hall (257 members: 73 resident, 184 associate)
- 2010 287 artists 731 works at Strathmore Hall (255 members: 66 resident, 189 associate)
- 2011 252 artists 667 works at Strathmore Hall (230 members: 61 resident, 169 associate)
- 2012 264 artists 674 works at Strathmore Hall (248 members: 68 resident, 180 associate)
- 2013 282 artists 718 works at Strathmore Hall (262 members)
- 2014 273 artists 698 works at Strathmore Hall (245 members)
- 2015 253 artists 683 works at Strathmore Hall (257 members)
- 2016 280 artists 735 works at Strathmore Hall (255 members)
- 2017 292 artists 749 works at Strathmore Hall (271 members)
- 2018 274 artists 775 works at Strathmore Hall (258 members)
- 2019 274 artists 733 works at Strathmore Hall (260 members)
- Definition (2017): As a general guideline, the work should embody the spirit of a miniature. Image size not to exceed 25 square inches. Sculpture may not exceed 6 inches in any dimension including the base.
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1962-WPA: The Whiskey Painters of America ~ Founded 1962 by Joe Ferriot, Tony Cross, Marc Moon & @11 other artists in Akron, Ohio. Membership is limited to 150 in number. The WPA is not generally considered a part of the formal miniature art movement.
- Presidents
- Joe Ferriot 1962-1972
- A.H. Don Settle 1972-1980
- Louie Mong 1980-1988
- L.J. Tony Cross 1988-2007
- Jack Mulhollen 2008-
- Notes
- Website starts May 2003
- Club Room of the Akron Society of Artists houses the permanent collection (215 works as of 2009)
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1970-MASNJ: Miniature Art Society of New Jersey ~ Founded Jan. 21, 1970, New Jersey by seven artists. Patterned after the MPSGS.
- Presidents
- Bede Zel Angle 1970-1972
- Marilyn Brill 1972-1973
- Vivian Fikus 1973-1975
- John Barnwell 1975-1980
- Robert J. Humphries 1980-1981
- Pat Longley 1981-1985
- Frances Luben 1986-1987
- Kathy Murphy 1987-1988
- Joan Schramm 1988-1989
- Pearl Mason 1989-1993
- Notes
- - The MASNJ and its founder Bede Zel Angle conceived and adopted the 1/6th scale and 24 square inch surface rules after general discussion among the officers and membership. The rules were established as a competitive basis for artwork in miniature.
- 1971 April Exhibition at the Allwood Library in Clifton
- 1971 November Exhibition of 159 artists 705 works at the Garden State Plaza
- 1972 ... artists 700-800 works at the Garden State Plaza
- 1973 ... artists 700-800 works at the Nutley Savings & Loan Bank
- 1974-1984 the Nutley Savings & Loan Bank
- MASNJ newsletter Communicator
- 1985 234 artists 833 works at at the Nutley Savings & Loan Bank
- 1986 ... artists 705 works at the Renee Foosaner Art Gallery, PaperMill, Millburn, NJ
- At its peak in the 1980's the MASNJ had @300 members
- 1991 Exhibition at the Art on the Avenue Gallery, Verona, NJ
- 1992 Exhibition at the Art on the Avenue Gallery, Verona, NJ
- Ceased existence in 1993. The MASNJ annual exhibition moved into the Papermill Playhouse venue in 198? and eventually became known as the Papermill Playhouse Miniature Art Exhibition which lasted until 2005.
- January 2004 a new MASNJ is "formed" by Maria and Clay Coutinho with an inaugural exhibit in Colts Neck, NJ. This group was in no way affiliated with the former MASNJ Society. Future exhibits are held at the World Gallery in New York. An issue occurs in 2007 that dissolves the group.
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1973-CMAS: Miniature Art Society of Colorado ~ Founded 1973 by Evelyn C. Adams
- Presidents
- Notes
- Ceased existence in ... (?1977 last date found?)
1974(?)-NMS: National Miniature Art Society ~ Founded La Luz, New Mexico
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- Notes
- 1974-1990(?)
- This may have not been a formal miniature art society. Possibly Gallery La Luz?
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1974-MASF: Miniature Art Society of Florida & ~ Founded February, 1974 by Bede Zel Angle and 23 artists(mostly students): Jane Blake, Rudy Blucke, Patricia Davis, Mary Engstrom, Helen Pierson, Alex Rice, Louise Ryan, Dorothy Fromm Curtis, Laura Schoefer and Helen Tooker. [The MASF Permanent Collection is usually displayed alongside the Annual Exhibition making the show the largest of its kind in the world]
- Presidents
- Bede Zel Angle 1974-1975
- Dorothy F. Curtis 1975-1976
- Majorie Woodhouse 1976-1978
- Marian E. Harding 1978-1980
- Laura P. Schofer 1980-1982
- Marion Simonds 1982-1984
- Doris M. Liverman 1984-1986
- Sarah Heyward 1986-1988
- Leslie Starke 1988-1990
- Kay Petryszak 1990-1992
- Jean M. Boyers 1992-1994
- Denver Boyers 1994-1996
- Alma L. Wensley 1996-1997
- Jo Webber 1997-1999
- Carol B. Curtiss 1999-2001
- Denver Boyers 2001-2002
- Charles W. Curtis 2002-2003
- Carol B. Curtiss 2003-2006
- Robert F. Fritz 2006-2009
- No President Mar.-Nov. 2009
- Kay Petryszak Nov. 2009-Mar. 2011
- No President Mar. 2011-2014
- Kay Petryszak 2015-2016
- Kathy Pollack 2017-
- Notes
- 1975 84 artists 260 works at the Florida Gulf Coast Art Center (Invitational show only)
- MASF Newsletter Small Talk begins publication under Helen Pierson
- 1976 200 artists 450 works at the Florida Gulf Coast Art Center (75 members)
- Start of the MASF Permanent Collection
- Start of Dorothy S. Curtis scholarship program
- 1977 135 artists 450 works at the Kapok Tree Inn (99 members)
- 1978 250 artists 550 works at the Kapok Tree Inn (Joan Willies moves to FL and becomes international contact)
- 1979 172 artists 538 works at the Kapok Tree Inn (175 members)
- 1980 187 artists 544 works at the Kapok Tree Inn (166 members)
- 1980 The above exhibition additionally featured 25 foreign entries from members of the RMS
- 1981 198 artists 657 works at the Kapok Tree Inn (204 members)
- 1982 210 artists 650 works at the Kapok Tree Inn (227 members)
- Pat Longley was the first true "miniaturist" judge.
- 1983 219 artists 808 works at the Kapok Tree Inn (300 members)
- 1983 start of the Miniature Art Seminars in conjunction with the exhibition opening weekend. Planned and organized by Laura P. Schofer.
- 1983 start of the Slide Film on Miniature Art developed by Lee Synder
- 1984 200 artists 694 works at the Kapok Tree Inn (350+ members)
- 1985 250 artists 800 works at the Kapok Tree Inn (@400 members)
- 1985 start of collegiate scholarship program
- 1986 268 artists 900 works at the Kapok Tree Inn (@400 members)
- 1987 229 artists 844 works at the Kapok Tree Inn (@400 members)
- 1988 239 artists 763 works at the Kapok Tree Inn (@400 members)
- 1989 245 artists 795 works at the Kapok Tree Inn (@400 members)
- 1990 258 artists 945 works at the St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Arts (@400 members) (15th Anniversary)
- 1991 212 artists 609 works at the Summit Executive Suites (@300+ members)
- 1992 226 artists 691 works at the Belleview Mido Resort Hotel (@300+ members)
- 1993 255 artists 721 works at the Belleview Mido Resort Hotel (@400 members)
- 1994 211 artists 606 works at the Belleview Mido Resort Hotel (@400 members)
- 1995 251 artists 740 works at the Belleview Mido Resort Hotel (@400 members) (20th anniversary)
- VHS Timeless Treasures is introduced
- 1996 258 artists 803 works at the Belleview Mido Resort Hotel (@400+ members)
- 1997 270 artists 896 works at the Belleview Mido Resort Hotel (@400+ members)
- 1998 245 artists 782 works at the Belleview Mido Resort Hotel (@400+ members)
- 1999 246 artists 812 works at the Belleview Mido Resort Hotel (500 members)
- 2000 281 artists 878 works at the St. Petersburg Museum of Art (500 members) (25th anniversary)
- Catalogue of the Permanent Collection is published
- Website starts May 2000 (new domain website and update February 2006)
- 2001 283 artists 860 works at the St. Petersburg Museum of Art (@500 members)
- 2002 308 artists 889 works at the Dunedin Fine Art Center (@500 members)
- 2003 273 artists 850 works at the Gulf Coast Museum of Art (483 members 12/2003)
- 2004 260 artists 891 works at the Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art (@500 members)
- 2005 252 artists 805 works at the Dunedin Fine Art Center (393 members 12/2005) (30th anniversary)
- 2006 253 artists 887 works at the Dunedin Fine Art Center (353 members 9/2006)
- 2007 257 artists 860 works at the Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art (363 members 5/2007)
- 2008 235 artists 827 works at the Gulf Coast Museum of Art (325 members 6/2008)
- 2009 240 artists 822 works at the Dunedin Fine Art Center (319 members 5/2009)
- 2009: MASF moves into a permanent office at Sterling Commons in Dunedin, FL
- 2009: Five panels of the MASF Permanent Collection go on year round display at Sterling Commons in Dunedin, FL.
- 2010 221 artists 829 works at the Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art (326 members 5/2010)
- Videos of the MASF 2010, 2011 Exhibitions posted to YouTube by Webmaster, Wes Siegrist.
- 2011 209 artists 754 works at the Dunedin Fine Art Center (331* members 6/5/11 - *Membership was actually higher owing to errors in the Society's directory)
- 2012 223 artists 787 works at the Dunedin Fine Art Center (309 members 6/15/12)
- 2013 204 artists 796 works at the Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art (259 members 6/25/13) (MASF Permanent Collection numbers 133 works)
- 2014 195 artists 697 works at the Dunedin Fine Art Center (270 members 7/25/14) (MASF Permanent Collection numbers 134 works)
- 2015 185 artists 637 works at the Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art (267 members 6/15/14) (MASF Permanent Collection numbers 135 works)
- 2016 203 artists 628 works at the Dunedin Fine Art Center (244 members 11/12/15) (MASF Permanent Collection numbers 136 works)
- 2017 180 artists 669 works at the Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art (229 members 6/18/2017) (MASF Permanent Collection numbers 137 works)
- 2018 170 artists 663 works at the Dunedin Fine Art Center (... members ) (MASF Permanent Collection numbers 138 works)
- 2019 155 artists 660 works at the Dunedin Fine Art Center (... members ) (MASF Permanent Collection numbers 139 works)
- 2020 Exhibition canceled due to Covid 19 virus
- PLEASE NOTE that MASF membership numbers reflect non-artist members
- Definition (2013):
- Miniature paintings and sculptures are fine art on a small scale, with minute attention to detail, which can be enlarged or withstand close inspection without revealing its faults.
- Use as a guideline (not a rule) the following for a general definition of small scale: A representational subject should be no larger than 1/6th of its actual size. (MASF has adhered to 1/6th since its founding in 1974), Exceptions: (a) Subjects too small for portrayal in 1/6th or smaller of its actual size may meet the spirit of a miniature if the work meets the above definition of miniature art. (b) Non-representational work such as abstracts or surrealism may meet the spirit of a miniature if all other factors in the definition of miniature art are met.
- Image size not to exceed 25 square inches. Sculpture may not exceed 8 inches in any dimension including the base
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1978-MMAS: Montana Miniature Art Society, Inc. ~ Founded 1978, Billings, MT by Jack Akerstrom
- Presidents
- Jack Akerstrom 1978, 1989
- Joan Christensen (?)
- Notes
- Exhibitions held annually each May with the average show displaying 450-550 works
- 1978 inaugural exhibit
- MMAS Newsletter Fine Print
- 1983 in Billings, MT
- 1984 @ 1000 entries into their annual show
- 1984 @ 230 members
- 1989 Exhibition at the Frame Hut Gallery Billings, MT
- 1989(?) 500 on mailing list, 150 in annual show and 10 local members
- 1994 Exhibition at the Frame Hut Gallery Billings, MT
- Definition(1989): Representational work must be 1/6th or less actual size. Overall size in width, height, depth, including frames, bases, and pedestals, must not exceed 10 inches.
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1982-HS: The Hilliard Society of Miniaturists ~ Founded 1982 by Sue Burton and Rosalind "Roz" Pierson. Sue Burton was the executive secretary. A Council was formed in October 1992 and Sue Burton officially named President then. The Hilliard Society is run by a council of approximately 14 elected members and is governed by a constitution. The President and council are elected for two years, but may stand for re-election, and formal meetings take place twice a year with regular informal discussions at other times. The Annual General Meeting is usually arranged to coincide with the exhibition in Wells and members are invited to submit ideas for inclusion on the Agenda.
- Presidents
- Sue Burton 1982-1996
- Cdr. Geoff Hunt RN 1996-2001
- Heather O. Catchpole 2001-2005
- Rosalind Pierson 2005-2008
- Paddy Davison 2009-2011
- Sara Whitehouse 2012-2014
- Joyce Rowsell 2015-
- Notes
- 1982 36 members
- - 1982 The first newsletter was published in June
- 1983 31 artists 134 works at the Burwood Gallery, Wells
- 1985 59 artists 188 works at the Burwood Gallery, Wells 111 members
- 1986 69 artists 218 works at the Burwood Gallery, Wells 120 members
- 1987 65 artists 186 works at the Burwood Gallery, Wells 122 members
- 1988 75 artists 208 works at the Burwood Gallery, Wells 130 members
- 1989 71 artists 212 works at the Bishop's Palace, Wells 150 members
- 1990 89 artists 259 works at the Bishop's Palace, Wells 164 members
- 1991 79 artists 222 works at the Bishop's Palace, Wells 155 members
- - 1991 HS sends 238 paintings to the 6th Montelimar International Festival of Miniatures, France
- 1992 101 artists 306 works at the Town Hall, Wells 205 members
- 1993 118 artists 349 works at the Town Hall, Wells 239 members
- 1994 160 artists 498 works at the Town Hall, Wells 244 members
- 1995 152 artists 456 works at the Town Hall, Wells 278 members
- 1996 144 artists 480 works at the Town Hall, Wells 266 members
- - May 1996 Website starts under the efforts of Caroline Hayes (First Miniature Society Website:
- 2000 144 artists ... works at the Town Hall, Wells 272 members
- - 2000: Sculpture included and young peoples section
- 2001 147 artists ... works at the Town Hall, Wells @300 members
- 2002 141 artists 508 works at the Town Hall, Wells(20th anniversary)@300 members
- - 2002 The Society displays the digital art of Colin Peck to introduce the genre (displayed separate from main exhibition)
- 2003 148 artists @500 works at the Town Hall, Wells
- 2004 150 artists @500 works at the Town Hall, Wells
- 2005 136 artists @500 works at the Town Hall, Wells
- - Russian Lacquer boxes added to exhibit
- 2006 ... artists @500 works at the Town Hall, Wells
- 2007 121 artists @500 works at the Town Hall, Wells (25th anniversary @200 members)
- - The young peoples category is discontinued
- 2008 121 artists 452 works at the Town Hall, Wells
- 2009 103 artists 381 works at the Town Hall, Wells
- 2010 102 artists 420 works at the Town Hall, Wells
- The Hilliard Society increases the size of acceptable work for their 2011exhibition and relaxes some emphasis on traditional miniature techniques in an attempt to cope with the negative effects of a down economy
- The Society is the first miniature art group to use social media via Facebook. (Defunct as of 2012)
- 2011 96 artists 364 works at the Town Hall, Wells @300 members
- - 2011 the Hilliard Society alters the guidelines for acceptable work in their exhibitions allowing for work of conventional size/scale. The show is to be split between traditional miniatures and conventional works with each being exhibited in their own area.
- 2012 102 artists 375 works at the Town Hall, Wells @270 members
- - 2012 the Hilliard Society reverts to emphasizing traditional miniatures in their exhibition
- 2013 … artists 320 works at the Town Hall, Wells @... members
- 2014 @81 artists 306 works at the Town Hall, Wells @... members
- 2015 @... artists 324 works at the Town Hall, Wells @300 members
- Definition (2012): The definition of a miniature relates as much to the fine quality of brushwork and attention to detail as it does to size
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1983-CPA: The Cider Painters of America ~ Founded 1983 by Sue Hand in Dallas, Pennsylvania with about ten members including: Melleray Thompson, ... The CPA is founded as a tongue-in-cheek tribute to the WPA (Whiskey Painters of America) and also owed inspiration to the Scotch and Watercolor Society.
- Presidents
- Initially no formal officers 1985
- Sue Hand
- Judy Panek
- Jim Rogowski 2000-
- Notes
- 1985 46 artists 221 works at the College Misericordia Art Gallery, Dallas, PA
- 1985 80 members
- 1996-2001 Exhibitions held at the Waterlily
- 2001: Forms Yahoo Club September 24th, which closes one month later from lack of participation
- 2002 444 works at the Waterlily
- 2003 78 artists 312 works at the Waterlily
- 2004 97 artists 368 works at the Waterlily
- 2005 78 artists 285 works at the Waterlily
- 2006 91 artists 356 works at the Waterlily
- 2007 78 artists 299 works at the Widmann Gallery, Kings College in Wilkes Barre, PA
- 2008 78 artists 303 works at the VGOGH Gallery, Kingston, PA
- 2009 93 artists 361 works at the VGOGH Gallery, Kingston, PA (25th Annual Exhibition)
- 2010 73 artists 262 works at the VGOGH Gallery, Kingston, PA
- 2011 63 artists 212 works at the VGOGH Gallery, Kingston, PA
- 2012 64 artists 243 works at the VGOGH Gallery, Kingston, PA
- 2013 ... artists ... works at the VGOGH Gallery, Kingston, PA
- 2014 ... artists ... works at Mainstreet Galleries, Kingston, PA
- 2019 ... artists @400 works at Mainstreet Galleries, Kingston, PA
- 2012 CPA starts a website and Facebook page:
- CPA Newsletter Cider Press
- Unique in that a size restriction for work to be smaller than 3" x 5". With this in mind CPA is one of the societies with the smallest paintings. They only accept painting medias or other non-traditional medias handled in a painterly way. Members paint in the tradition of miniaturism following the belief that any subject suitable for a larger work may also be used to create a masterpiece in miniature. Membership is by invitation only. (2010)
- Definition(2011): The 1/6th rule: The Cider Painters believe in the spirit of miniaturism most of all. Small objects not lending themselves to portrayal in 1/6th scale may, at the discretion of the Judges, be accepted or rejected. Painted Area size must be 3"x5" or smaller. We measure 3" in one direction and 5" in the other; NOT square inches. Mats and frames maybe any size.
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1985-MAA: Miniature Artists of America ~ Founded in 1985 under the direction of Charles W. Curtis, Robert Humphries, Doris Liverman, Pat Longley, Laura Schofer, Marjorie Woodhouse, Joan Christensen, and Margaret Hicks. The newly formed MAA based it's membership qualifications upon participation and awards received from the following societies: MPSGS, MASNJ, MASF and the MMAS. It later included the GMAS (1990+). Founding Members: Al Barker, Patrick G.Brannigan, Mary Chadwell, Helen B. Duckwall, Jeanne Dunne, Sylvia "Tykie" Ganz, Skip Gliessner, Pat Longley, Jane Milhalik and Garry Morrell.
- Presidents
- Charles (Wally) Curtis 1985-1988 (acting President)
- Laura Parker Schofer 1988-1990
- Barbara Jackson and Doris Liverman 1991
- Kay Petryszak 1992-
- Notes
- 1983 Interim Committee to Form a National Organization (ICNO) meets on January 14th at the home of Laura Schofer to discuss the formation of the new Society. Present were Wally Curtis (Chairman), Robert Humphries, Doris Liverman, Pat Longley, Laura Schofer and Marjorie Woodhouse.
- 1985: 10 Founding Signature Members and 32 associates
- 1985 Lewis Hoyer Rabbage becomes the Archivist for the MAA
- American Artist Magazine, Northlight Magazine, Miniature Collector and The Artist Magazine feature news and articles on the MAA
- 1987 MAA Newsletter Issued
- 1988 Inaugural Exhibition by 19 Signature Members with 163 works at the Arts Club of Washington DC (@109 Sustaining Associate members)
- 1989 Exhibition by 24 Signature Members with 121 works at the Color Works Club, Hilton Head, SC
- MAA Traveling Exhibition is conceived/ created by Laura Schofer with inaugural venue the Loudoun House in Lexington, KY. Exhibit contains 26 works by 15 artists.
- The CANDIDATES CIRCLE is formed to create a selection pool for potential new signature members of the MAA. Eligible artists must have shown their works in the accredited Miniature Art Societies at least 10 times in the past 5 years and must also have received 2 or more awards. (In the Spring of 1989 60 miniaturists qualified for this distinction) Amended in 1989 to also include artists not meeting the above stipulations but receiving the endorsements of 3 signature members and submitting five works to review by the Jury of Admission.
- 1990: 25 Signature Members
- 1991: 36 Signature Members
- 1991 TE comprised of 24 works
- 1992: 45 Signature Members, 2 Honorary, 120 sustaining
- 1992 TE comprised of 35 works
- 1994: 46 Signature Members
- 1994 TE comprised of 37 works
- 1997 TE comprised of 43 works
- 1998 TE went to Nagano, Japan as part of the Winter Olympics
- 2000-2004 TE comprised of 46 works
- 2000 TE featured in the 25th MASF Exhibition at the St. Petersburg Art Museum (FL) as well as the 2nd WFM Exhibition in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
- 2005 Website starts in March
- 2004-2008 TE comprised of 48 works
- 2007: 82 Signature Members
- 2008-2012 TE comprised of 35 works
- 2009 Wes Siegrist becomes MAA Historian/Archivist and puts historical information about the society on the internet.
- 2010 MAA celebrates their 25th Anniversary by announcing the book "Modern Masters of Miniature Art in America" by Wes Siegrist
- 2011: 57 Signature Members, 5 Life Members, 21 Inactive Members, 10 sustaining
- 2012: 57 Signature Members, 5 Life Members, 21 Inactive Members, 10 sustaining
- 2013: 61 Signature Members, 3 Life Members, 21 Inactive Members, 10 sustaining
- 2014: 59 Signature Members, 3 Life Members, 28 Inactive Members, 7 sustaining
- 2014 MAA discontinues TE due to lack of participation and volunteer leadership
- 2015: 61 Signature Members, 2 Life Members, 27 Inactive Members, 7 sustaining
- 2018: 62 Signature Members, 2 Life Members, ... Inactive Members, ... sustaining
- Definition: As of January 2010 the MAA has adopted the Association of Miniature Artists' standard definition for miniature art. See the AMA information below at 2007.
- (From 1995-96 WFM Notes) Miniatures are not simply "small paintings". They differ because of the delicate detail skillfully executed by the artist. The techniques of miniature art are meticulously handled and the workmanship flawless. The works sometimes defeat the spectators belief as to what is possible for the artist to create in such a small space. These paintings referred to by the 15th century artist, Nicholas Hilliard, as "jewels of the arts" are best examined not only with a magnifying glass but also with a jeweler's loop, just as one would examine a fine diamond.
- (From MAA Publications) Miniature art is often described as "fine original art done in small scale". Today's miniaturists generally use a "one-sixth guide", limiting subjects to no more than one-sixth actual size.
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1985-ASMA (NSW): Australian Society of Miniature Art Inc.(New South Wales) ~ Founded by Janine Bravery OAM, January 18th, 1985. (The initial impetus came from a chance meeting in Paris in 1983 between Janine and Lynee Zajicek, a member of the Cider Painters of America) The society started with 20 members. The Society's initial meeting was held on June 21st, 1986.
- Presidents
- Janine Bravery 1985-1993
- Patricia Moy 1993-1995
- Madeleine Szymanski 1995-1997
- Philippa Stewart-Hall 1997-1999
- Lyn Hess 1999-2001
- Lee Sinha 2001-2003
- Jenny Butgess 2003-2006
- Joe Steinbusch 2006-2008
- Diane (Di) Sincock 2008-2011
- Anna Warren 2011-2014
- Madeleine Szymanski 2014-
- Notes
- - The first Australian Miniature Society
- 1986 Exhibition held at The Old Treasurery Gallery, Macquarie St. Sydney
- Guest artists- Patrick Carroll, John Caldwell, Edwina Ellis
- 1986 Exhibition held at The Old Treasurery Gallery
- 1987 Exhibition held at The M. Gallery Katoomba
- 1988 Exhibition held at Richard King Print Gallery, Sydney
- 1989 Exhibition held at Grace Gallery, Grace Bros, Chatswood
- 1990 Exhibition held at Grace Gallery
- 1991 Exhibition held at Grace Gallery
- 1992 Exhibition held at Grace Bros
- 1992 Exhibition held at Extravaganza Gallery, Albany, West Australia
- 1993 Exhibition held at Extravaganza Gallery, Albany, West Australia
- 1993 Exhibition held at Seasons Gallery, North Sydney
- 1994 Exhibition held at Duke of Wellington Gallery, Mosman
- 1994 Exhibition held at Seasons Gallery "Wild Cards"
- 1995 Exhibition held at Burnie Regional Gallery "Changing Dimensions"*
- 1995 Exhibition held at Duke of Wellington Gallery, Mosman
- 1995 Exhibition held at National Conference Exhibition Holdsworth Gallery
- 1996 Exhibition held at The Private Gallery, Sydney "More than meets the eye"
- 1996 Exhibition held at Lake Macquarie Regional Gallery*
- 1996 Post Office Gallery, Seaforth (?)
- 1997 Exhibition held at Monad, Mosman
- 1997 Exhibition held at Gallerie Australe-Noumea
- 1997 Exhibition held at Hunters' Hill Artists' Gallery
- 1997 Exhibition held at Boyd Fine Art Gallery
- 1998 Exhibition held at Artrysts Awards Exhibition, Forestville
- 1998 Exhibition held at Hazelhurst Regional Gallery, Gymea*
- 1999 Exhibition held at Ku ring gai Art Centre, (First Annual Awards Exhibition)
- 2000 Exhibition held at Ku ring gai Art Centre
- 2000 Exhibition held at Lake Macquarie Regional Gallery *
- 2001 Exhibition held at Finks Gallery and Restaurant, Waverton
- 2001 Exhibition held at Ku ring gai Art Centre
- 2002 Exhibition held at Vista Blue, North Sydney (Awards cancelled as Vista Blue Gallery closed)
- 2003 Exhibition held at Headmasters Cottage (Restaurant)
- 2004 Exhibition held at Ewart Gallery, Willoughby, NSW
- 2004 Exhibition held at Bowral Gallery
- 2005 Exhibition held at Ewart Gallery, Willoughby, NSW
- 2006 Exhibition held at Hornsby Art Gallery
- 2006 Exhibition held at Ewart Gallery, Willoughby, NSW
- 2007 Exhibition held at Ewart Gallery, Willoughby, NSW
- 2008 Exhibition held at Ewart Gallery, Willoughby, NSW
- 2009 Exhibition held at Ewart Gallery, Willoughby, NSW
- 2010 Exhibition held at Ewart Gallery, Willoughby, NSW
- 2011 Exhibition held at Ewart Gallery, Willoughby, NSW
- 2011 Exhibition held at Cessnock Regional Gallery *
- 2011 Exhibition held at Craft NSW the Rocks, Sydney
- 2012 Exhibition held at Ewart Gallery, Willoughby, NSW (77 Exhibiting members)
- 2013 Exhibition held at Ewart Gallery, Willoughby, NSW
- 2014 Exhibition held at Ewart Gallery, Willoughby, NSW
- * Exhibitions held in Regional galleries
- Definition: Actual art work must not exceed a perimeter of 40 centimetres. The 1/6th scale, that is 1/6th the size of an object or person in nature, has not been adopted by this society, but the "spirit of miniaturisation" must always be maintained. A miniature can convey all the beauty and power of a larger work of art but has the added appeal of being a particularly personal object. The viewer must view the work at close range to obtain a full appreciation of both the image and technique. The miniature has always had a feeling of preciousness associated with it due in part to the fact that it can usually be held in the palm of your hand.
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1985-GMAS: Georgia Miniature Art Society, Inc. ~ Founded February 11th, 1985 by Irene Kemp, Jill Pickenpaugh, Judy Bobula,
- Presidents
- Jill Pickenpaugh (?)
- Irene Kemp 1986-1988
- Dana Turpin 1990
- Meredith Rambo 1991
- Jill Pickenpaugh (Stuckey)1994-1996
- Dana Turpin 1997
- Notes
- 1985 Thumbnails the newsletter of the GMAS is started in October
- 1986 Inaugural Exhibition 184 artists with 597 works at the Marietta-Cobb Fine Arts Center (48 members)
- 1987 Exhibition 183 artists with 694 works at Marietta-Cobb Fine Arts Center (132 members, 7 patron members)
- 1988 Exhibition 193 artists with 711 works at Marietta-Cobb Fine Arts Center (134 members)
- 1988 The Society is accredited with the Miniature Artists of America
- 1989 Exhibition 190+ artists at Marietta-Cobb Fine Arts Center (170 members)
- 1990 Exhibition 212 artists with 747 works at the Marietta/Cobb Museum of Art
- 1990 Establishes the Julian Harris Memorial Scholarship Award
- 1992 @ 200 artists
- 1993 Exhibition at Gallery 300
- 1994 Exhibition 119 artists with 311 works at Gallery 300
- 1995 Exhibition 122 artists with 307 works at The Art Place
- 1996 Exhibition 129 artists with 346 works at The Art Place (150 members)
- 1997 Exhibition 127 artists with 322 works at The Art Place
- Permanent Collection numbered 32 works in 1997
- Ceased existence in 1998
- Definition (1980s): Works must be rendered in 1/6th scale with suggested image size of under 36 square inches and not to exceed 10x10" inclusive of framing. Sculpture should fit inside a 10x10x10" cube. Exceptions were made to the 1/6th scale rule for objects which by nature are already miniature in size.
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1986-SLm: The Society of Limners ~ Founded by Elizabeth Davys Wood, MBE in 1986
- Presidents
- Elizabeth Davys Wood MBE 1986(?)
- Michael Pierce 2007
- Liz Lightbown 2008
- Michael Pierce 2009-
- Notes
- Permanent Collection started in ...
- 1987 Residential Weekend Seminars started
- (125 members as of 1995)
- 1996 Exhibition held at Gallery 47
- 1997 Exhibition held at the Museum Art Gallery
- (140 artist members and 20-25 friend members as of 2000)
- 2006 20th anniversary show
- Website starts June 2006
- 2007/08 132 members showing @300 works
- 2009 Exhibition @300 works at John Rank Gallery at the Oxmarket Centre of Arts, Chichester, West Sussex (140 members including 12 Diploma members who are qualified to teach the subject as of 2009.)
- 2011 Exhibition at the John Rank Gallery at the Oxmarket Centre of Arts (120 members including 12 Diploma members who are qualified to teach the subject as of 2011.)
- Annual Exhibitions are held during the summer at Chichester, West Sussex
- Definition (2011): A miniature may be of any subject, painted on a small scale. The Society’s rules stipulate that works should be no larger than 7 inches by 5 inches when framed.
- Dip.SLm denotes an artist who has obtained a teaching diploma
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1986-SAMAP: Société des Artistes en Miniatures et Art Precieux ~ This group revived the French school of miniature art originally founded by Madame de Billemont-Chardon in France. Her school was comprised of 200 miniaturists in the years before WWII. (Possibly the Paris Society of Miniature Painters?)
- Presidents
- Anne Luquet de St. Germain 1986-1997
- Madame Bracq-Guillabert 1998-2007(?)
- Notes
- 1988 Exhibition, "Flash", in Antony, France
- 1996 Exhibition in Antony, France (@100 members)
- 2001 Exhibition in Bernicourt, France
- Ceased existence in 2006/7
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1986-USM:The Ulster Society of Miniaturists (Northern Ireland) ~ Founded by Phyllis A. Arnold
- Presidents
- Notes
- 1988-1991(?) Exhibitions held at Heritage House
- 34 members in 1991
- 1992 Exhibition held at the Bangor Heritage Centre
- 1993 Exhibition held at the Bangor Heritage Centre
- Ceased existence in 1993
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1988-NMMAS: The New Mexico Miniature Arts Society ~ Formed in 1988 as a part of the Roswell Fine Arts League. (Not a formal miniature art society)
- Presidents
- Notes
- 1988
- Website starts April 2000 with new domain and update December 2006
- 2007 16 artists 43 works at the Roswell Museum and Art Center
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1989-ASMA (Qld): Australian Society of Miniature Art Inc.(Queensland) ~ Founded by Marilyn Peck (Initiator) at the invitation of Janine Bravery OAM of the ASMA (NSW). Lady Hickey, Patron.
- Presidents
- Marilyn Peck 1989-1992
- Geoff Molloy 1992
- Lyn Lubach 1993
- John Thiessen/ René Hardy 1994
- Valerie Anderson 1996-1997
- John Thiessen 1997-1998
- Marion Winter 1998-2000
- Lenore Andrews 2000-2002
- Richard Saunders 2002-2003
- Sierra Sue Mitchell 2005
- Notes
- 1988 Exhibition 27 artists 243 works at Visions Gallery with the QLD and NSW Societies combined
- Newsletter started August 1988
- 1989 Exhibition 141 works in Darwin's Framed Gallery, Northern Territory (28 members)
- 1990 Exhibition in Darwin at the Gold Coast City Art Gallery(not Regional), Queensland (49 members)
- 1991 Exhibition 31 artists 136 works in Darwin (54 members)
- 1992 Exhibition 29 artists 118 works at the Hibiscus Gallery in Hobart (all four AU Societies participated)
- 1993 Exhibition 34 artists 173 works at Jabiru Gallery Sanctuary Cove, Gold Coast
- 1994 1st International Exhibition at the Gold Coast City Art Gallery with entries from overseas societies.(79 members)
- 1995 (84 members)
- 1996 Exhibition 101 artists
- After several digital art submissions the ASMA (Qld) becomes the first society to accept computer art in miniature
- 1997 Exhibition 84 artists 216 works at Gold Coast Arts Centre. (67 members)
- 1998 Exhibition in Darwin, Northern Territory
- 1998 Exhibition 83 artists 199 works at Gold Coast City Art Gallery
- Society starts a Permanent Collection
- 1999 Exhibition 77 artists 237 works at Gold Coast Arts Centre
- 2000 Exhibition 88 artists 243 works at Gold Coast City Art Gallery. (59 members)
- 2001 Exhibition 92 artists 268 works at Gold Coast City Art Gallery. (58 members)
- January - Society starts a touring exhibition of 201 miniatures by 37 artists through Germany as part of a cultural exchange.
- 2002 Exhibition 98 artists 299 works at Gold Coast City Art Gallery. (Artists included children)(50 members)
- 2003/2004 (52 members)
- 2004 Digital art, photographic processes and new technology as acceptable media were disallowed negating one of the original Aims of the Society.
- 2005 Exhibition 82 artists 239 works at Gold Coast Arts Centre. (46 members)
- Ceased existence in 2006. The full records of the Society are held by the Queensland State Library:
- Definition: The image size must not exceed 100 square centimetres, or 16 square inches. The society also requires that there be some miniaturisation of realistic subjects, that is , they must be rendered less than life size. The accepted criteria for judging any work of art would apply. As well, the miniature can be decorative, be able to bear close scrutiny, display finely detailed work, and brilliant, gem-like colours. A miniature can convey all the beauty and power of a larger work of art but has the added appeal of being a particularly personal object. The viewer must view the work at close range to obtain a full appreciation of both the image and technique. The miniature has always had a feeling of preciousness associated with it due in part to the fact it can usually be held in the palm of your hand. Note: This was a unique Society in that it accepted both digital and photographic miniature art.
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1991: The Sherborne Miniature Painting Society ~ Formed in 1991 by Jo Clay.
- Presidents
- Notes
- See: The Magic of Miniatures ISBN 0-905903-29-3
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1992-ASMA (VIC): Australian Society of Miniature Art (Victoria) ~ Formed in February of 1992 at the suggestion of Marilyn Peck when Noela Patane, an ASMA (Qld) member moved to Victoria. Founding members: Noela Patane, President; Tony Woollcombe, Vice-President; Ivan Dinsdale, Treasurer; and Lesley Freeman, Secretary. Others: Irene Kerr, and Maureen Wilkinson. Rae Harris RMS, Patron.
- Presidents
- Noela Patane 1992
- Sheila Slicer 1995-1998
- Roy Mead
- Lesley Freeman 2007
- Joan Lopes 2010-
- Notes
- 1992 Inaugural exhibition held at the Mulgrave Gallery with ASMA (TAS)
- 1993-1995 Exhibition held at the Mulgrave Gallery
- 1997 Hosted the National Conference and Exhibition for all Australian Societies
- ASMA (VIC) holds their annual April/May exhibitions at the Australian Society of Realist Artists Gallery in Camberwell, Melbourne, Victoria
- @40 members as of 2008-2016
- Definition: Painted area not to exceed 100 sq. cm. (10cm x 10cm) Overall frame size not to exceed 20cm x 20cm
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1992-MASB: Tone Miniature Art Society of Bangladesh Founders Khalid Mahmood Mithu and his wife Kanak Chanpa Chakma [The Tone Art Society was founded in 1987]
- Presidents
- Khalid Mahmood Mithu 1992-2016
- Notes
- 1993 1st TONE Miniature Art Exhibition at the Tone Gallery, Dhaka
- 1995 2nd TONE Miniature Art Exhibition at the Tone Gallery, Dhaka
- 1998 1st TONE International Miniature Art Exhibition @200 artists at the Tone Gallery, Dhaka
- Date? 2nd TONE International Miniature Art Exhibition at the Tone Gallery, Dhaka
- 2015 3rd TONE International Miniature Art Exhibition at the Tone Gallery, Dhaka
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1992-ASMA (TAS): Australian Society of Miniature Art (Tasmania) Founded in April 1992 at the suggestion of Marilyn Peck by Hibiscus Gallery owner Bernadette Conner OAM with support from Janine Bravery OAM. Others: Joerg Andersch, Edna May Bailey, Clarice Cashman, Enid Deal, Joan Humble, Keith Johnston, Margaret Kench, Dawn Ransley, Kay Bennetto Thiessen, Les Woollcott and Lady Sallie Ferrall, Patron.
- Presidents
- Bernadette Conner OAM 1992-2000
- Joan Kelly 2000-2011
- Patricia Young 2012-2020
- Barbara Etter 2020-
- Notes
- 1992 Inaugural exhibition held at the Hibiscus Gallery in April with all four Australian Societies participating making it the largest collection of miniatures ever exhibited in Australia. @80* artists 297 works at the Hibiscus Gallery, Hobart
- 1993 @129* artists 510 works at the Hibiscus Gallery, Hobart (@70 members)
- 1994 @102* artists 370 works at the Hibiscus Gallery, Hobart
- 1994: The 1st Australian National Conference of miniaturists held in Hobart in conjunction with a 3rd combined exhibition of all four AU societies.
- 1995 Exhibition and Conference held at the Burnie Regional Gallery in Tasmania.
- 1995: The 2nd Australian National Conference of miniaturists held in Hobart in conjunction with a 4th combined exhibition of all four AU societies.
- 1996 @88* artists 333 works at the Hibiscus Gallery, Hobart
- 1997 @62* artists 227 works at the Hibiscus Gallery, Hobart
- 1998 @58* artists 231 works at the Hibiscus Gallery, Hobart
- 1998 ASMA (TAS) exhibited in Nagano, Japan "Small Pictures Great Harmony" Exhibition
- 1999 @45* artists 183 works at the Hibiscus Gallery, Hobart
- (80-90 members as of 2000)
- 2000 Hosted the 2nd World Federation of Miniaturists Exhibition in Tasmania
- (90 members as of 2007)
- 2006 Website starts
- 2008 Host Society for the 4th World Federation of Miniaturists Exhibition in Tasmania
- (70 members as of 2012)
- 2014 @ ...artists at The Mill & Providore Gallery
- 2014 Magic Miniatures Exhibition at the School House Gallery, Rosny Farm (@70 members)
- 2015 @ ...artists 143 works at The Mill & Providore Gallery (@70 members)
- New Website in 2015 (Earlier version in 2006?)
- 2016 Exhibition at Burnie Regional Art Gallery
- * @number of artists is referenced since some artists contributed works via multiple societies
- Definition (2007): The definition for the Tasmanian Society is that the work should be a maximum of 100 sq. cm (10cm x 10cm) or smaller. Although the Society has not formally adopted the 1/6 scale rule, that is that the subject must be 1/6 of the size it is in nature. The "Spirit of Miniaturisation" must always be maintained including use and application of colour.
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1992-MASSA: The Miniature Art Society of South Africa Established 1992 - Founding members: Charmian Kennealy and Jeff Sochen. Meetings were held in lecture rooms of the Medical School, the back room of the Watercolour Society and at the Argyros’ home in 2011 and 2012. In 2003, the society moved its meetings to the late Moira Silcock’s “The Art Place” in Northcliff until 2011, when the society almost closed down. Daphne Carew, Massimo Leone, Karyn Wiggill ( Bell), Joy Gibson and Eileen Bass offered to take it over and it moved to the East Rand and held its meetings at Eden Village, where it still meets today.
- Presidents
- Charmian Kennealy 1992-1996
- Catherine Kretschmer 1997-1999
- Hazel Kruger 2000-2002
- Johan Lotz 2003-?
- Diana Carmichael 2005?
- Moira Silcock 2006-2009
- Charmian Kennealy 2010-2011
- Massimo Leone 2012-2013
- Daphne Carew 2014-
- Notes
- First exhibition was held at the Bryanston Organic Market and then invited to the Grahamstown Art Festival. The following year invited to show at the History Museum. Exhibitions were held in the various provinces and at various venues including Stewart Gallery ( or Little Louvre), Steven Welz ( Auctions), The Firs in Rosebank ( Johannesburg) and finally Hyde Park Corner ( Johannesburg) was settled on as the main venue.
- (@90 members 2000)
- Website starts January 2007
- 2007 ... artists 108 works (@100 members)
- 2010 24 artists 99 works at the Benmore Gardens
- 2012 (62 members)
- 2013 38 artists 200 works at the Exclusive Book Store/JB Rivers Restaurant
- 2015 (65 members)
- Definition (2011): Traditionally, the only size agreed upon internationally in contemporary miniature art is that the work should be "hand-held". Subject matter is usually intimate and delicate, being rendered with fine and small brushstrokes in order to accentuate detail. Vibrant, intense colour is typical in a painting. The exact sizes, all small, differ throughout the world. Let our South African Society offer you the following guidelines: A drawing, painting or sculpture must adhere to the one/sixth guide. This means that a human head approximately 230mm high must be rendered 38mm or less; a rose which is 120mm should be depicted as 20mm or less. These measurements are acceptable worldwide. Small subjects which do not lend themselves to the one/sixth rule must be rendered "in the spirit of miniaturism". Here the discretion of the selection committee will apply. Abstract works should be harmony with the delicate spirit of miniaturism. Importantly, the signature should be neat and very small. Sculpture, which must be of lasting materials, should fit within a 170mm cube, including the base. Prints of any technique must be hand-pulled and of a numbered series. No jewelry, crafts, computer or photographic techniques are acceptable.
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1995-WFM: The World Federation of Miniaturists ~ Founded Nov. 10, 1995. The management of the affairs of the Federation is directed by one of the societies on a rotational basis and is passed on at each world exhibition.
- Presidents/Chairmen (Society)
- Wally Curtis and Kay Petryszak (MAA) 1995-2000
- Sue Burton/Caroline Hayes (HS) 2000-2004
- Joan Kelly (ASMA TAS) 2004-
- Notes
- 1996: 1st Exhibition at Westminster Central Hall, Story's Gate, London, England hosted by the RMS on their 100th Birthday in conjunction with their regular exhibition (14 societies with 2300+ works) The 300 RMS Artists exhibiting 1,156 miniature works; 470 miniaturists from twelve Miniature Art Societies from around the world exhibited 934 works; twelve Independent miniaturists exhibited 35 works; and 49 artists from the Russian Avit and Piershana collections and the Firebird Russian Arts schools exhibited 93 exquisitely decorated lacquered boxes.
- MASF is the first overseeing body 1996-2000
- Assisted with the Olympics/ Japan exhibition "Small Pictures ~ Great Harmony" (1800+ works from 271+ artists)
- 2000: 2nd Exhibition was held in the Town Hall in Hobart, Tasmania hosted by the ASMA TAS (15 societies, 471 artists exhibiting 837-841 works. Also exhibited were the 203 miniature works by Australian miniaturists that were included in the published book, and the traveling exhibition of the Miniature Artists of America.)
- Website starts February 2002
- The Hilliard Society assumes oversight 2000-2004. Sue Burton acting president until her death in 2003 when Caroline Hayes took over as acting administrator. (20 member societies in 2004)
- 2004: 3rd Exhibition Washington, DC (Smithsonian) (13 member societies/ two guest societies 1,127 works) hosted by the MPSGS. Joan Kelly of ASMA TAS assumes leadership. Sixty-two delegates attended the Conference at L'Enfant Plaza Hotel in Washington, DC. (15 Member Societies as of 2004)
- 2008: 4th Exhibition Burnie, Tasmania, Australia hosted by the ASMA TAS (10 societies, ... artists exhibiting 630 works.)
- 2012: 5th Exhibition held at the Moscow Art College of Russian Art Academy in Moscow, Russia, hosted by the Association of Russian Artists (ARSA-F) (8 societies, … artists exhibiting 513 works)
- 2016: 6th Exhibition held at the Hyde Park Corner, Hyde Park, Johannesburg, South Africa, hosted by MASSA (9 societies, 105 artists exhibiting 294 works)
- 2017: New Website URL
- Stated Goals of the WFM:
- To encourage newsletter exchange of each society
- To encourage educational materials exchange
- To gather information on exhibitions and workshops
- To collect historical background on each society
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1996-IMAS: The Israel Miniature Art Society ~ Founded late 1996 by Jacques Heller, Dick Ben-Dor, Harry Araten, Chaim Rosenthal, Erga Heller and others.
- Presidents
- Jacques Heller 2007
- Dr. Erga Heller 2008
- Notes
- 1998 International Bible Exhibition at the Engal Gallery, Jerusalem (200 members)
- 1999 International Bible Exhibition at the Engal Gallery, Jerusalem
- 2000 "The Bible -2000 Years Plus" Exhibition in Jerusalem
- 2007 @100 members
- Ceased existence in 2009?
- Definition (2008): Paintings: maximum image size 9 X 9cm within a frame no larger than 15 X 15cm (10 X 10cm is accepted if the work was created before 2005). Wooden frames only accepted. Works on paper must be framed with glass. (Adhered to 1/6th scale for certain during the 2000 exhibition.) Sculptures: maximum size 7.5 X 7.5 X 8cm.
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1997-Dutch Foundation of Miniature Art ~ Based in the Hague, Netherlands
- Presidents
- Notes
- The Foundation's objective was, among other things, to build up and manage an extensive collection concerning the art of portrait miniature painting through acquisitions and donations of portrait miniatures, books and magazines. Moreover, the Foundation carries out research into the origin of this art form. They hoped to bring the art of miniature painting to the attention of a broad public by means of publications and lectures.
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1999-TSMP: Turner School of Miniature Painting ~ Founded 1999, Norfolk, England by Cyril Turner
- Notes
- School was founded to promote Original Miniatures (done from life vs. copies)
- Definition (2008): Miniatures are to be painted in a diminutive scale to the highest standard of excellence required to achieve intricate detail and fineness appropriate to their style and medium, and by working to the smallest scale considered suitable to represent the subject. The School encourages the development and use of specialized individual techniques. It requires archival quality bases, painting surfaces and the finest quality Artists’ Extremely Permanent grade materials to be used at all times, These requirements are supported without exception by the highest professional and ethical standards. The Turner School further emphasizes the following in defining miniature painting: An original work of art created with genuine artistic merit by a miniaturist, and NOT a small painting produced by copying an already reduced two dimensional study obtained by photographic, photocopier, computer, mechanical or by any other means. Fine Art Miniaturists draw a positive distinction between miniaturists and copyists, whereas many copyists pretend to be fine art miniaturists. Original art is from the mind and not from the hand of a skilled copyist.
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2000-WCSMA: West Coast Society of Miniature Art ~ Founded in Santa Barbara, California by 12 artists.
- Presidents
- Rilla Underwood 2002-2007
- Notes
- 2003 in the foyer of the Goleta Library
- Ceased existence in 2007?
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2000-CSMPSG: The Canadian Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers ~ Founded by Mary Louise Leach starting in 1988 with the help of the RMS.
- Presidents
- Mary Louise Leach 2000-2004
- Notes
- Inaugural exhibit May 2001 at The Canadian Museum of Civilization (Newsletter Vol.4, Issue 1 mentions 2000 as the inaugural exhibit. The above date is from the show's inaugural catalogue.)
- 2001 41 artists with 170 works at The Canadian Museum of Civilization
- 2002 ... artists with ... works at The Canadian Museum of Civilization
- 2003 24 artists with 96 works at The Canadian Museum of Civilization
- Ceased existence @2004
- Permanent exhibit of CSMPSGS works at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, Quebec
- Definition (2003): Heads or other objects which are the primary focus of the work must not be larger than 2 inches. Image sizes: Rectangles and Ovals 4.5 x 6 inches; Squares 4.4 x 4.5 inches; Rounds 4.5 inches diameter.
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2003: Yahoo Miniature Art Forum ~ Founded on January 8th, 2003 by Jim Smith and his sister, Vicki Taute
- Notes
- 141 members as of the end of 2008 with over 6,500 posts
- 181 members as of the end of 2009 with over 10,168 posts
- 206 members as of the end of 2010 with over 12,708 posts
- 226 members as of the end of 2011 with over 15,221 posts
- 261 members as of the end of 2012 with over 17,401 posts
- Note from Wes as of 2014: The Yahoo Forum is still active but now has minimal activity. This is due to the migration of most members to Facebook for popularity and due to changes in the Yahoo platform that proved too problematic for many members.
- The Yahoo Miniature Art Forum statement: This group has been formed for artists interested in the field of miniature art as it pertains to contemporary miniature art society exhibitions. Membership is open to artists of all levels and experience interested in learning about our unique genre. Join our discussions, critiques and behind-the-scenes insights about shows. Members of this group founded the Association of Miniature Artists in 2007 as a standard definition for miniature art:
2004-MASWNY: Miniature Art Society of Western New York
- Notes
- April 2 May 1, 2004 Premier Exhibition
- Ceased existence in 2004?
- This exclusive group of artists to showcase the proven appeal of the exciting world of miniaturism. Artists John Yerger and Richard Kersting formed the Society in 2003 upon realization that a miniaturist art group did not exist in Western New York or even New York State. The Society was limited to ten invited members who followed the standards of contemporary miniaturism shared by a small number of organizations in the U.S. and abroad. This premier exhibition includes eight charter members: Joe Eger, Bernadette Franklin, Jose Fuentes, Richard Kersting, Robert Masak, Coni Minneci, Vicki Vitale, and John Yerger.
- The Society focused on miniature objet d’art which is a venerable and universally appealing art form, respected by serious collectors worldwide.
2005-STMAS: South Texas Miniature Art Society ~ Founded June 2005 under the auspices of the Corpus Christi Art Center. Founding members: Lou Owens, Sherry Chapman, Donna Van Baalen, Elna Smith, Jo Shults, Jo Prairie and Carolyn White.
- Presidents
- Elna Smith 2005-2006
- Carolyn White 2007
- Notes
- 2005 13 local artists 34 works at the Corpus Christi Art Center (7 members)
- 2006 9 Texas artists 29 works at the Corpus Christi Art Center
- 2007 15 national artists 50 works at the Corpus Christi Art Center
- 2008 exhibition at the Corpus Christi Art Center (10 members)
- Ceased existence in 2009
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2007-AMA: The Association of Miniature Artists Founded in July 2007 by Wes Siegrist, Andrew Gott and members of the Yahoo Miniature Art Forum. The AMA is the first standard definition for "miniature" in the history of the genre for consensus of agreement among members.
- Notes
- AMA website built by Diane Bruckner in January 2008
- 91 adherents to the AMA statements as of the end of 2008
- 135 adherents to the AMA statements as of the end of 2009
- 145 adherents to the AMA statements as of the end of 2010
- 2010: The Miniature Artists of America become the first Miniature Art Society to adopt the AMA definition for miniature art.
- 166 adherents to the AMA statements as of the end of 2011
- 178 adherents to the AMA statements as of the end of 2012
- Note from Wes: I decided in October of 2014 to discontinue listing adherents on the AMA website. This is solely due to the effort being completely volunteer on my part and time consuming since the other AMA volunteers have moved on to other responsibilities.
- Definition: 1. Minute in scale vs. life sized. For practicality following the general 1/6th scale for my work sent to formal miniature exhibitions and shows. 2. Delicate and painstaking technique that withstands magnification. 3. Small in format and size: 25 inches or less for surface area. Sculpture should fit inside an 8x8x8 inch cube including the base. 4. High in quality. The work should exemplify Fine Art ~ demonstrating a mastery of composition, color, values etc.
- Various Other Online Groups/Forums: (As of 2014 these are all inactive with reference to the formal miniature art societies)
- 2010: The Miniature Arts Club (aka: A Private Portrait Miniature Collection) ~ Founded by Roger and Carmela Arturi to foster interaction between miniaturists, collectors and dealers pertaining to miniature art. Their blog began in 2009.
- 2006: Miniature Art on Squidoo ~ Founded by Katherine Tyrell
- 2005: WetCanvas Miniature Art Forum
- 2000: The Miniature Canvas Yahoo Forum - (defunct 2004)
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2009-AMAS: The Alabama Miniature Art Society ~ Founded Mobile, AL in August, 2009 by Judy Aronson, Frances Ashcraft, Joanne Brandt, Barbara Cline, Edna Harris, Phyllis Henson, Ainsley McNeely and Liz Zirlott.
- Presidents
- Notes
- 2008 Initial exhibition of 119 works, the Spanish Moss Juried Miniature Art Show, before becoming a formal Society was held at the Dr. Java Coffeeshop in Mobile, AL.
- 2010 show of 78 works at Southern Art and Framing, Mobile, AL
- 2011 show of 111 works at Mobile Art Council Gallery, Mobile, AL
- 2012 show of … works at Cathedral Square Gallery, Mobile, AL
- 2013 show of 105 works by 32 artists at Mobile Art Council Gallery, Mobile, AL
- 2014 show of ... works by ... artists at Southern Art and Framing, Mobile, AL
- 2015 show of 116 works by 33 artists at Cathedral Gallery, Mobile AL
- Definition (2010): Image not to exceed 25 square inches (for example 5 x 5 inches), Frame size not to exceed 90 square inches (for example 9 x 10 inches). Frame depth, including hanging hardware may not exceed 2 inches. Frames should be consistent with fine art work, and will be considered part of the artwork and be juried for acceptance into the show. Unframed canvas is required to be gallery wrapped and painted. Subject matter in artwork must be a maximum of 1/6 the original subject.
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2010-ITALY: MiniaturArte - The Association of Italian Miniature Artists ~ Formed by Lorena Straffi and John Dillon
- Presidents
- Notes
- 2011 Exhibition in conjunction with the Evento Artistico Culturale. American miniaturists, Wes and Rachelle Siegrist, and English miniaturist, Pauline Denyer, sent representative works to add an international component to the showing.
- 2012 Exhibition diVINI sorsi d'ARTE Event at the National Archaeological Museum of Spina, Ferrara, Italy. Representative works by American miniaturists, Wes and Rachelle Siegrist, added an international component to the showing
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2010-ARSA-F: The Association of Russian Artists ~ Founded by Vladimir and Ludmilla Fishchuk to facilitate hosting of the 5th WFM Exhibition in Russia. The Society represents four communities of master artists who live in the Russian "laquer" villages of Kholui, Mstera, Palekh and Fedoskino.
- Presidents
- Vladimir Fishchuk 2010-2012
- Ludmilla Fishchuk 2012-
- Notes
- Formed to host the 5th WFM Exhibition (see above and WFM Newsletter Southern Spring 2012)
- 2012 (9 members)
- 2016 [8 members participated in the 6th WFM Exhibition]
I've been unable to confirm dates with the groups below
1960s?-Southall School of Miniaturists
- Instructor:
- Notes
- Classes held at Norwood Hall, Southall Evening Institute
- Photographs were sometimes used with painting
WMAS: Wyoming Miniature Art Society, Inc. (Casper, WY Guild? Only date found @1995)
Dayton, Ohio Society of Miniature Art
Centre Avit des Arts de St. Petersbourg AVIT (from the WFM minutes 2000)
Miniature Art Society of Japan MASJ (from an old Hilliard Society Newsletter was it ever formed?)
*This informational page is a work in progress and was compiled by Wes Siegrist with help from Caroline Hayes, Kay Petryszak, Donna Van Baalen, Richard William Haynes, Pat Longley, Andrew Gott, Marilyn Peck, Bernadette Conner, Pam Palco, Eleanor Torr, Cyril Turner, Bill Mundy, Ainsley McNeely, Diane Grant Czajkowski, Sharon Quigley-Rosenthal, Marion Winter, Anna Warren, Nigel Edwards, Daphne Carew, Ruth Bosveld, Lenora de Lange, Madeleine Szymanski
Special thanks to Mary Kugelman for catalog information and to the Miniature Art Society of Florida and Andrew Gott for the photographs.
Please contact Wes Siegrist at 1.865.448.2044 or to make additions or corrections. ~ Thank You!
I would love to receive copies of past exhibition catalogues so please contact me if you have any available!
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